Restructuring FlylessConf to Enhance FlylessWeeklies

Hello Flyless Community, 

We would like to propose a new kind of FlylessWeekly in lieu of FlylessConf. 

Stay with me here! 

As it exists now, FlylessWeeklies are community calls that take place every Wednesday with familiar faces and new Flyless members alike engaging in conversation with little to no structure given beforehand. Up to this point, this format has served the community well. Personally, FlylessWeeklies have become a call that I look forward to – thank you all for that!

In an effort to take advantage of the quality CFP submissions, FlylessConf registrations, and foster the continued growth of the Flyless community, we are pleased to share a plan for a new FlylessConf that drops the -Conf and focuses on adding the valuable content to the existing FlylessWeeklies. 

Moving forward, we propose to dedicate the first 15 or 30 minutes of FlylessWeeklies to a speaker from the community and the remainder of the call to freeform conversation hosted by the speaker and Flyless team. The CFP will remain open as we continue to encourage community members (you!) to submit. 

For starters:

During last week’s FlylessWeekly, Austin Parker hosted and spoke with the community about his experience running a conference in Animal Crossing.

This upcoming week, Patrick Debois will host FlylessWeekly.

We are hopeful that this new structure allows us to build on the momentum that we have seen since starting FlylessWeeklies, just over two months ago. 

Other questions to consider:

  • Should we rotate the FlylessWeeklies week-over-week to cover all timezones?
  • How can we close the feedback loop for the speaker?
  • What else can we do to maximize the time? 

This idea was born from a want to focus our efforts on continued growth and sustainability of FlylessWeekly, the community, and a future Flyless Social Impact Fund.

Further reading:

Jessica West, has a great blog post entitled To Virtual Conference or To Not… That is the question that dives into some of the thinking that aligns with our decision to restructure FlylessConf to improve, sustain, and grow FlylessWeekly.


Join the flyless community to stay in the loop and recieve the weekly calendar invite with instructions to join the call. As mentioned, the CFP will stay open for anyone that would like to host a FlylessWeekly.

If you have any thoughts, concerns, questions, or feedback on this new proposed format, we are eager to hear from you on this platform or @FlylessConf on Twitter.

Thank you,

The Flyless Team

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  1. Is there any news for tomorrow’s conf? What time it starts/ends, agenda, speakers etc? Just trying to plan my day tomorrow 🙂 

  2. @tessak22 , Hello! 👋 It looks like the blog is not linking properly.. I am also getting a 404 on my end. Is this something you are able to reconnect? Thank you in advance!